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Looking for the best florists in New York City? Look no further! Discover a wide range of talented florists who can create stunning arrangements for any occasion.


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Premium, handcrafted arrangements and installations

delivered across Manhattan for three generations.


Designers Choice


Spring Collection



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Family owned and operated, Q Florist NYC has been sharing floral beauty with NYC and beyond since 1968.

Picture of QFlorsit in 1968

Photo Courtesy of The New York Times

International Blooms

 Here at Q Florist NYC, we ensure the most beautiful blooms. Leveraging our relationships with growers around the world, your final arrangement pulls together international stems, always fresh, delivered right to your doorstep.   

Completely Custom

We pride ourselves on working with budgets tall and small. No project or arrangement is too big or small for Q Florist NYC. We ensure to work closely with you to deliver the arrangement or installation of your dreams.

Captive Creativity

Whether decorating our #ColumbusAvenueBear and scaffold here at Q Florist NYC, or designing your next event, our designers are armed with out-of-the-box creativity, sure to make your guests say, “wow.”

Our Columbus Avenue Bear dressed up in a suit and tie
Q Florist Logo

Meet our friend, the #ColumbusAvenueBear

If you’ve ever passed by our shop, you’re sure to know this friendly face. The Q Florist NYC #ColumbusAvenueBear takes on many identities as we decorate and dress him up with the changing seasons, holidays and events. Learn about how this bear found his home on our corner.


Over 50 years and three generations...

Our story at Q Florist NYC is one we are incredibly proud of. Here for over three generations, Q Florist NYC is a family owned and operated business located in NYC. Learn more about us and our story.

Image of old Q Florist store with first generation family working

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